MIA - Minor Updates

So I've been MIA these past few weeks because I am honestly dealing with some personal situations. For the moment I'm back on the East Coast dealing with some family stuff and I'll probably return to the Midwest very soon.

I'm working on some business cards for my etsy shop and I'm trying to improve my advertising. If any of you gals know of where I could advertise or have any suggestions please let me know!

Nia is doing great her 9 month appointment is approaching fast I can't believe it. I need to update her milestones timeline because she is crawling, standing, cruising and attempting to stand on her own. I'm still anxiously awaiting the "mama" or "dada" but I'm secretly hoping she holds off on milestones until we get back to Chicago lol so dad doesn't miss anything!

In any event I'm beyond tired and I hope everyone is doing very well! Happy Halloween to those who are planning to partake in it!

Still Settling In


This is our first day in Chicago

We have been in Chicago for about 10 days and I am still tired!! We are still organizing some of our stuff and getting rid of our moving boxes but we are making progress!! I follow quite a few Chicagoans on twitter and I am looking forward to meeting some of them while we are living here. I joined a young moms group in my area and I can't wait to go to some meetups. I love meeting new people and making friends so I'm definitely excited for that.

Yay finally no more plane!

Halloween is coming up and I was originally planning to buy Nia a costume, but I think I may try a DIY costume. The meetup group I joined is having a little gathering in the afternoon on the 30th, the kids will be dressed up, there will be snacks and such, so I 'm looking forward to that.

Running some errands w/ Violet the dog

I've been trying to figure out what kind of styles to do with Nia's hair. I usually don't refer to the hair type system, but her hair texture is like a 3C. Its thick, but very curly and soft. I've tried to braid it but it just unravels and she usually puts her hands in her hair when she's sleepy. I might write in to one of my favorite kids blogs and see if people have suggestions! Nia doesn't sleep on her stomach so it also makes it impossible for me to do her hair while she is sleeping (everyone suggests this).

Little diva after her bath & my attempt to do her hair last night!

My younger sister is coming to visit for Thanksgiving...I am so happy about that. When I was living out here a few years ago she came to visit and she loved Chicago! Her plan is to visit us every major holiday! Hopefully we can find affordable flights because flying from NY to Chicago costs a fortune!

I hope everyone is having an awesome day!!

Boy Oh Boy..


I haven't posted in awhile because of the moving extravaganza. I am pleased to say that we have made it to Chicago and we are still getting settled in. At the moment we are at my in laws for a few days until we can get our furniture situated at my boyfriends sisters apartment.

Living in someone elses space is very difficult for me because I'm used to being on my own and having my own rules. I have to remind myself that this is only temporary and soon we will have our OWN place again. That day couldn't come soon enough...