About Us

Hey! We are Jonathan & Romney, a young couple currently residing in Chicago

Jonathan and I met through an online forum, where we were initially e-friends (I know, cheesy right!?)  At the time I was attending college in North Carolina and Jonathan was residing in Chicago, IL.  After nearly a year of being friends we realized we wanted to be something much more.

I found out I was pregnant in May 2010. At the time I was working two jobs, one of which I ended up submitting my resignation to in the summer, due to the stress it was causing me.  My second job unfortunately laid me off in October.  Although I was very devastated by this, my friends and family encouraged me to try my best to enjoy that time at home before the little one arrived!

On February 10, 2011 we welcomed our first born, Nia Sarai!

We recently moved in with his parents in order to get ourselves financially stable. As you can imagine living with people can be a bit stressful at times, but we are doing our best to stay positive! 

So what are you waiting for!!? Join us on our crazy journey through our new life: parenthood!